Resources & Tools
What can your organisation learn from Table Stakes? Whether or not you have participated in Table Stakes Europe, there are many valuable insights that you can learn from and apply to your company.
Report: Navigating sustained newsroom transformation
This report features 8 case studies based on the 2024 round of Table Stakes Europe. It includes stories from TSE alumni who returned to the programme to build renewed focus and launch initiatives that helped them maintain the momentum of change. The report also includes stories of publishers who identified specific audiences to focus on, enabling them to better engage targeted audience groups.
Best Practice Showcase
An online resource with case studies that highlight various topics around digital transformation and audience focused workflows. The Best Practice Showcase is available in English, French, German and Spanish and is searchable by geography, theme, or news product type. More cases will continue to be added throughout the year!
Report: Change agents: Using audience needs to unlock digital transformation
This report highlights 12 case studies based on the 2023 round of Table Stakes Europe. The first part of the report explores the strategies the companies used to make rapid progress with their transformation, win over colleagues, and spread new ways of working across their organisations. The second part looks at how the publishers realigned their journalism to meet the needs and interests of specific audiences, allowing them to build stronger relationships with their readers and engage targeted audience groups.
Report: Building and engaging specific audiences
This report is a collection of 15 case studies highlighting winning engagement strategies used when creating new editorial products for specific audience categories. Their stories include guidelines to any publisher thinking of embracing an audiences-first mindset: how to identify the most promising audience categories – some of whom are defined by geography, others by interests, and some by current life situation – and what products and methods work best to serve them.
Report: Understanding your audience in a deeper way
The case studies from the second year of TSE show how publishers can start moving from covering general news to targeting specific audiences, what criteria they should use when selecting those audiences, how publishers should approach maintaining and updating newsroom skills and motivation that make change possible, and why it's crucial to keep your eyes on diversity when seeking new audiences.
Report: Becoming audiences first
This is the story of 14 publishers who over 12 months built new skills and capabilities in putting audiences-first, focusing on reader revenue as the essential path to sustainability, adopting funnel discipline and embedding goals, metrics and analytics in newsrooms, publishing across the day, using newsletters to engage and convert customers, and a great deal more.
Get the report in your preferred language below!