
Table Stakes Europe has supported a community of over 50 publishers spanning 15 countries in their digital transformation and provided them the tools and resources to make a lasting impact in their organisations. Read about some of their experiences below!



Mélanie Monsaingeon

Publisher, Le Parisien, France

‘‘Table Stakes Europe has accelerated our development and given us a toolbox to accelerate our digital transformation. We have seen a positive development of digital subscriptions and newsletter performance (opening rate, CTR).’’


Arnaud Wery

Journalist, Editions de L’Avenir, Belgium

‘‘One of the most profound models of change that I have ever experienced.’’


Jeremy Spooner

CEO, Baylis Media, United Kingdom

‘‘The program has provided access to a level of knowledge and expertise in the field of monetising content that would not have been accessible otherwise. Baylis now looks at the editorial department as a revenue generating centre.’’


Marta Algora Luño

Digital Business & Reader Revenue Strategy, Henneo Media, Spain

‘‘We entered Tables Stakes Europe with a big project to develop a reader revenue model in our group. We found in the Programme the help needed to create a good methodology for a successful launch of this new strategy. It helped us to get the active support of all the teams.’’


Julian Kögel

Head of Paid Content, Südkurier, Germany

‘‘By defining a shared Table Stakes challenge/mission, we solved some problems within the organisation that we had in the past. Now, a large part of the company walks in the same direction. Doug Smith’s “toolset” hugely helped us to manage the change and – even better – created a shared methodology of doing things within the leadership team.’’


Gilles Danet

Head of Digital Content Development, Le Parisien, France

‘‘Table Stakes has helped us gain subscriptions with new audiences, and we’re just at the start. It has also been a great motivation for our team. We see that our journalists have become the best ambassadors for the company’s project.’’


Ramona Adolf

Head of the Online Editorial team, Zeitungsverlag Waiblingen, Germany

‘‘We realised how print centric we were still working at the beginning of the programme and we managed to focus on digital publishing really fast. We were reassured that changes in the newsroom can have a very big impact.’’


Olivier Deheneffe

Deputy Chief Editor, Editions de L’Avenir, Belgium

‘‘TSE has helped accelerate our digital transformation, giving us a way to make things happen. The methodology of the key wins, the design-do, participate to make us advance more quickly. We are more efficient and result oriented.’’


Alexander Houben

Managing Editor, Saarbrücker Zeitung / Trierischer Volksfreund, Germany

‘‘TSE helped us to bring the right perspectives into our restructuring program for the newsroom and give us several options for the next challenges we have to face in our organisations.’’